Sunday, April 2, 2023


"New Study Finds Social Emotional Learning Programs Positively Impact Student Success"

New Study Shows Positive Impact of Social Emotional Learning on Students

A new study commissioned by the Department of Education has found that social emotional learning (SEL) programs have a positive impact on students' academic achievement and overall well-being.

The study, which analyzed data from over 200 schools across the country, found that students who participated in SEL programs showed improved academic performance, increased attendance rates, and reduced behavioral problems.

According to the report, SEL programs teach students skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, and social awareness, which help them to better manage their emotions, build positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

The study also found that students who participated in SEL programs reported higher levels of engagement in school, stronger relationships with their peers and teachers, and improved mental health outcomes.

"These findings demonstrate the importance of social emotional learning in supporting the whole child," said Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona. "We know that students who are emotionally healthy and engaged in school are better equipped to succeed academically and in life."

The Department of Education plans to use the findings from the study to inform policy and support the implementation of SEL programs in schools across the country.

"We want to ensure that every student has access to high-quality social emotional learning programs that will help them to succeed in school and in life," said Cardona. "This study provides valuable insights into the positive impact of SEL, and we look forward to working with schools and communities to support its implementation."

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